Homeowners face a constant battle to protect their homes and minimize the associated expenses. As we know, it is much more cost effective to prevent a problem from happening rather than addressing it after it has occurred. Here are some tips to protect your exterior side and back doors.
Exterior Side Doors
• Check your roof overhang to ensure that your siding is protected properly from the elements. A house with improper overhangs is at risk for premature siding rot which is not a pleasant situation.
• A house without roof overhangs leaves the siding vulnerable to premature siding failure and paint deterioration. If you discover that your overhang is insufficient, make addressing it a priority.
• Keep the eaves-drip (the width of ground around a house which received the rain water dropping from the eaves) away from your house to avoid splashback damage which is a common cause of siding rot. Splashback occurs when water hits the ground below the siding and splashes back against the siding.
Back Doors
• Add a storm door. In addition to the obvious benefits, a storm door can also help block harmful UV rays.
• Re-consider your color choice if it is dark. Lighter colors help repel heat and can add years to your door’s life.
• Contact us about a protective portico. Bracket porticos have roofs supported by brackets installed on a home’s exterior and integrated seamlessly into the current design. Many of our clients have called upon us to build them this cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing protection for their door. And, of course, Georgia Front Porch also designs and builds column porticos that make for beautiful back and side door coverings! Contact us for a free, no-hassle estimate.