Atlanta Decking & Fence 770-781-4641

Georgia Front Porch 770-781-8234


Before After BEFORE side back door portico on brick home with white doorAFTER side back door portico on brick home with white door


Before After BEFORE side back door porticoAFTER side back door portico prior to painting


Before After BEFORE side back door portico on brick home with white garage doorAFTER side back door portico on brick home with white garage door


Before After

Side & Back Door Porticoes

Although porticoes are often employed to accentuate the front door and add curb appeal, homeowners also choosing to have these mini-porch additions built over side and back doors.

The most obvious advantage of a side or back door portico is that it provides protection from the elements. Handsome porticoes can be helpful not only in adding character to the exterior of your home, but they can help protect older doors from letting in cold air or moisture. Over time your doors and steps will become susceptible to rotting and the effects of wear and tear.

Porticoes are attached directly to your exterior walls and serve as shelter, not only for people but for the most important part of your home: the foundation. If you notice sticky doors, uneven or warped floors, cracks or bulges in walls, or any signs of water damage, you may be experiencing moisture in your home due to foundation distress. A side or back door portico protects doors from rain water, meaning you can keep the screen open on a rainy day without fear of rain water coming in. A portico also prevents water from pooling on the concrete. Concrete can be troublesome if it slants towards your house as it is going to send rainwater straight towards your foundation and basement. A portico can also keep your stairs dry, meaning there is less chance of slipping.

Custom-built porticoes from Georgia Front Porch are very effective at keeping moisture away from your home. Because the ground surrounding your foundation is exposed to much less rain, snow, and other environmental debris, the wear-and-tear on your foundation is significantly less when under a portico.

A less obvious but equally important advantage to adding a ‘cover’ over your side or back door is that it provides protection for your furniture and other items in your living areas. Porticoes can also help guard the inside of your home from excessive sunlight. They block harmful UV sun rays from entering the home. Your rugs, wall paint, art and other belongings will be spared the fading and damage that direct sun can cause.

Tim Moss, our portico expert, can walk you through beautiful design options that will offer protection and enjoyment to your residence for years to come. Give Tim a call at 770-781-8234 about your side or back doors and ask for a free, no-hassle portico design consultation or request one below.

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