7 Ideas to Make Your Fall Flower Containers More (Curb) Appealing
To many Atlantans, fall is a welcome relief from our hot, humid summers. It is also an outstanding opportunity to enhance your home’s curb appeal with vibrant colors that celebrate the season! Pumpkin Power Few things say fall better than pumpkins. Start with a pumpkin tower. Take an empty container and stack pumpkins in […]
Thinking of Selling Your Home? It’s What’s on the Outside that Counts
If your current or future plans include selling your home, curb appeal can have a significant impact on the sale price. In fact, a recent study discovered that attractive curb appeal can increase the value of your home by 7% or more. Here are a few reasons why curb appeal is so important and some […]
2021 Front Porch Design Trends
Today’s housing market is hot — red hot. It is assuredly a seller’s market. Knowing that homes may be overpriced due to demand, many people are choosing to upgrade their homes. Not only can they enjoy these upgrades now, but they also benefit later when it is time for them to sell. One of the […]
Front Yard Birding — Keeping Feathered Guests Coming Back for More
Calling all nature lovers! This is the time of year we cherish when birds return from their winter migration to build nests and find their mates. If you want to attract more visitors, here are some tips to get started. Clean Out Old Nests Take a walk around your property and remove old nests. Each […]
6 Tips That Will Give Your Home Winning Winter Curb Appeal
Technically the first day of winter is December 20th. More accurately, winter arrived in the Atlanta area right after Thanksgiving. So, now that reality has set in, it’s time to think about what you can do to enhance your home’s curb appeal. Here are some ideas to make sure your home looks double-take-amazing this winter. […]
3 Ways to Amp Up Your Entry: Portico, Half Porch, or Full Front Porch Addition?
If you’re feeling like your home could use an upgrade on its curb appeal, consider adding a portico, half porch, or full front porch addition! Your home’s curb appeal is important for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is your own happiness when you look at it! It’s also an important factor […]
9 Nifty Ways Decorate Your Porch for Early Fall
Early fall begins the transition to less humidity and quality time on the front porch. So let’s get started with a few curb appeal tips to help you get ready for the new season! Clean and De-clutter– Start the season with a clean slate. Make some time to pressure wash, deep clean, and de-clutter. Remove […]
Tips to Create Curvaceous Curb Appeal
While we’d never argue that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line — that might not be the best way to achieve outstanding curb appeal. Here are some ideas to achieve a distinctive look and their corresponding benefits. 1). Use pavers or natural stone to create a curved walkway to your front […]
Porte Cochere: Style Beyond Carports
Ever see a portico-like structure but didn’t know exactly what it was called? Ever come across a structure that was like a fancy carport but wasn’t exactly a carport? Well, we’re here to solve the mystery. What you saw is a porte cochere, or coach door. The name is French, if you didn’t know! It […]
How to Achieve Top Curb Appeal with Low Maintenance
Due to COVID-19 many of us are spending significantly more time at home than ever before. Why not take the opportunity to consider options that achieve greater curb appeal so you can enjoy your home now and increase its value when it comes time to sell? Here are the top trends of 2020 for bringing fresh ideas […]